Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN ASHURA (10TH day of Muharram in Lunar Calendar):

1. It was the day when Prophet Adam, peace be upon him (pbuh) was forgiven by Allah, the Most High;
2. It was the day when the Ark of Propeht Nuh (Noah) (pbuh) landed at Mount Judi;
3. It was the day when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (pbuh) was thrown into the fire by his people;
4. It was the day when Prophet Musa (Moses) (pbuh) cross the red sea with Bani (children of) Israel:
5. It was the day when Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) (pbuh) met his son Yusoph (Joseph) after he was betrayed by his brothers;
6. It was the day when the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Amer Husien and his family, may Allah be pleased with them, were martyred at Karbala, Iraq on thier way to Kufa.

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