Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It has been narrated in Hadhrat Samurah Ibn Jundub's (R. A.) hadeeth that a child is an endowment in return for an aqeeqah. The Muhadditheen have approached this with numerous explanations.

1. The hadeeth implies that a child will intercede on behalf of his parents. However, if someone, despite being capable, neglects aqeeqah and the child coincidentally dies as a youngster he will not intercede for his parents. The child will be of no advantage just like an object that has been kept safe as a pledge is of no advantage. This statement was made by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (RA.)

2. Until the aqeeqah isn't offered the child remains an open target to calamities and misfortune and is also deprived from virtue and blessings. After the aqeeqah the child is safeguarded from anything detrimental and anything provoking pain.

3. A child is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Aqeeqah is performed as a thanksgiving for this blessing. (Zaadul Ma-aad Li-ibnil Qayyim)

4. Until the aqeeqah is not performed the child shall not be safeguarded against calamities but instead will grow up to be disobedient to his parents.

5. When the hair is shaven on the 7th day and aqeeqah is completed, the child is cleansed from all impurities, (Allah knows best).

6. Mulla Ali Qari (R. A.) states, "Whosoever wills his child to be obedient, should perform his child's aqeeqah."

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