Salam.. and welcome to my website and blog. Thank you for visiting. I♥U
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
What is Deen?
by Muhammad Abdullah
Deen is word we hear often but what does it mean? Our respected Shaykh hafizahullah discussed this concept a few weeks ago in the weekly Friday Majlis. Below is an approximate translation
Deen is to follow the desire of Allah Ta’laa and not the desire of one’s self. Deen is to know what to do in each circumstance. The definition of Deen is to practise whatever Allah Ta’laa wants on each occasion. Deen is not to come into a systematic routine like a robot. Deen is to fulfil the demands of Allah Ta’laa. To enact everything in its proper manner and place is Deen.
(Our respected Shaykh hafizahullah then quoted a saying of the great Mufti Taqi Uthmani hafizahullah):
‘To understand Deen means to understand the framework of Deen and to understand what is required at what time. This is not attained from the study of books. It is acquired only from the company of the Buzrooq/Mashaaikh (the experts of Deen)’.
Men can marry women for 4 reasons:
1. Beauty
2. Wealth
3. Status (lineage)
4. Deen
We should marry someone who we find appealing in many aspects but let’s remember that the Deen is the most important factor, because it is the one that will lead us and our family to Jannah Insha’Allah!
2. Wealth
3. Status (lineage)
4. Deen
We should marry someone who we find appealing in many aspects but let’s remember that the Deen is the most important factor, because it is the one that will lead us and our family to Jannah Insha’Allah!
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
For any calamity
When any calamity comes, even if pricked by a thorn recite:
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ اللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِي فِي مُصِيبَتِي وَاخْلُفْ لِي خَيْرَاً مِنْهَا
"Definitely we are from Allah and to Him is our return. O Allah, grant reward in my calamity and grant in its place a good substitute".
If there is an infection on the body, wet the Shahaadat finger with saliva from the mouth, place it on the ground and then rub it on the infection while reciting:
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ تُرْبَةُ أَرْضِنَا بَرِيقَةُ بَعْضِنَا لِيَشْفِيَ سَقَمَنَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّنَا
"In the name of Allah, with the blessings of this soil of our land which I mixed with the saliva so that the ailment is cured by the order of our Lord".
(Bukhari, Muslim)
If there is pain on the body, place the right hand on the pain, recite "Bismillah" thrice and the following dua seven times:
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدْ وَأُحَاذِرْ
"I seek refuge in the Being and Power of Allah from the effects of which I am in and from that which I fear".
(Hisnul Hasin from Muslim)
When any calamity comes, even if pricked by a thorn recite:
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ اللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِي فِي مُصِيبَتِي وَاخْلُفْ لِي خَيْرَاً مِنْهَا
"Definitely we are from Allah and to Him is our return. O Allah, grant reward in my calamity and grant in its place a good substitute".
If there is an infection on the body, wet the Shahaadat finger with saliva from the mouth, place it on the ground and then rub it on the infection while reciting:
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ تُرْبَةُ أَرْضِنَا بَرِيقَةُ بَعْضِنَا لِيَشْفِيَ سَقَمَنَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّنَا
"In the name of Allah, with the blessings of this soil of our land which I mixed with the saliva so that the ailment is cured by the order of our Lord".
(Bukhari, Muslim)
If there is pain on the body, place the right hand on the pain, recite "Bismillah" thrice and the following dua seven times:
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدْ وَأُحَاذِرْ
"I seek refuge in the Being and Power of Allah from the effects of which I am in and from that which I fear".
(Hisnul Hasin from Muslim)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Is the second month of the Islamic calendar
About the month of SAfAR:
This time of the year was considered to be cursed as many catastrophes and calamities took place. However this belief has been proven to be false and totally without foundation (absurd).
This can also be confirmed by the following hadeeth.
Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) has said that, "I have heard the Prophet saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition
befalling in the month ofSafar is untrue." (Muslim)
Events Of SAfAR:-
1) The Battle of Abwaa took place on 12th Safar in the year2 A.H.
2) The Battle of Khaibar took place in the year 7 A.
Matrimonies in SAfAR:
Hadhrat Ali (R A ) married Hadhrat Fatima (R.A.), (the daughter of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H.
Deaths in SAfAR:-
Khubaib Ibn Adey(R.A.)was martyred in this month in the year
4A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
Zaid Ibn Dathina (RA) was martyred in this month in the year
4A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
About the month of SAfAR:
This time of the year was considered to be cursed as many catastrophes and calamities took place. However this belief has been proven to be false and totally without foundation (absurd).
This can also be confirmed by the following hadeeth.
Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) has said that, "I have heard the Prophet saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition
befalling in the month ofSafar is untrue." (Muslim)
Events Of SAfAR:-
1) The Battle of Abwaa took place on 12th Safar in the year2 A.H.
2) The Battle of Khaibar took place in the year 7 A.
Matrimonies in SAfAR:
Hadhrat Ali (R A ) married Hadhrat Fatima (R.A.), (the daughter of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H.
Deaths in SAfAR:-
Khubaib Ibn Adey(R.A.)was martyred in this month in the year
4A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
Zaid Ibn Dathina (RA) was martyred in this month in the year
4A.H. in the Holy city of Makkah.
Monday, December 26, 2011
It is a Muslim’s duty to offer condolences, comfort, and sympathy to the family and the relatives of the deceased. This strengthens the relationships within the Muslim community.
When offering condolences, words should be chosen carefully and said gently to convey sympathy and to encourage the family and the relatives of the deceased to accept Allah’s will and to help them to get back to their normal life.
Condolences may be offered to the family and to the relatives of the deceased before, during or after burial for up to three days, but it may be offered even at later time if someone did not hear about it or he was far away.
It is recommended to leave after offering condolences to give the family time to take care of their other affairs, assistance may be offered for anything the family may need, and one may stay to help.
When offering condolences, words should be chosen carefully and said gently to convey sympathy and to encourage the family and the relatives of the deceased to accept Allah’s will and to help them to get back to their normal life.
Condolences may be offered to the family and to the relatives of the deceased before, during or after burial for up to three days, but it may be offered even at later time if someone did not hear about it or he was far away.
It is recommended to leave after offering condolences to give the family time to take care of their other affairs, assistance may be offered for anything the family may need, and one may stay to help.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
David: Morning.. what a great day..
Muslim: Morning.. so, hows ur Christmas?
David: Great.. will be enjoying very soon...
Muslim: Good..
David: No wish for me?
Muslim: Islam respects the non Muslim, but to greet other religion is not allowed.
David: But why?
Muslim: Seems like we can't stop u to drink liquor, but we can't drink it..
David: But many of Muslim did wish for me..
Muslim: Can you confess our confession of faith? (Shahadah - La illaha illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah)?
David: No!..Cannot!.. It will effect my faith..
Muslim: But why? just a word..:) say it.. :)
David: Now i understand :)]
*clearly states it all..The reason why we can't greet and join them. Allahu Akbar! :)
Muslim: Morning.. so, hows ur Christmas?
David: Great.. will be enjoying very soon...
Muslim: Good..
David: No wish for me?
Muslim: Islam respects the non Muslim, but to greet other religion is not allowed.
David: But why?
Muslim: Seems like we can't stop u to drink liquor, but we can't drink it..
David: But many of Muslim did wish for me..
Muslim: Can you confess our confession of faith? (Shahadah - La illaha illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah)?
David: No!..Cannot!.. It will effect my faith..
Muslim: But why? just a word..:) say it.. :)
David: Now i understand :)]
*clearly states it all..The reason why we can't greet and join them. Allahu Akbar! :)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Some hadiths discuss table manners, proving that the Prophet (saas) was very sensitive on these proprieties. The limited resources of his community did not prevent him from stressing this matter. Some examples of his table manners are:
1) Washing one's hands is sunnah:
Washing hands before and after a meal is very important for our health. The Prophet (saas) encouraged all believers to acquire this habit:
"Washing hands before a meal will eradicate poverty; washing them after a meal will eradicate sins." (at-Tabarani)
"Whoever retires for the night with food on his hands and some harm comes to him because of it has only himself to blame." (Abu Dawud)
"To wash one's hands and mouth before and after a meal is a source of blessings." (Abu Dawud)
2) It is a sunnah to open a meal by saying Bismillah and to end it by saying Alhamdulillah.
"When anyone of you intends to eat, he should say, Bismillah. In case he forgets, he should say Bismillah Awwaluhu wa Akhirahu at the end." (Abu Dawud and al-Tirmidhi)
Aisha (ra) relates that while the Messenger of Allah (saas) and six of the Companions were eating, a bedouin entered and ate all of the food in two bites. The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "If he had said Bismillah, it should have been sufficient for all." (al-Tirmidhi)
3) The Prophet (saas) advised people to begin a meal with dates, salt, or water.
The Messenger of Allah (saas) never found fault with a meal brought to the table. If food he did not like was served, he would remain silent and simply not eat it.
4) It is a sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saas) to eat with right hand and to eat from the sides of the dish.
Umar ibn Salmah narrated that "during my childhood, the Prophet (saas) advised me to say Bismillah, eat with the right hand, and from (the part of the dish that was) in front of me." (Sahih Muslim)
"Eat from the sides of it and do not put your hand in the middle, for barakah descends on the middle." (al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)
5) Muslims should sit together during the meal, for eating together is more blissful:
"Sit down to eat together and recite the name of Allah. There will, then, be greater barakah for you in the meal." (Abu Dawud)
6) Food should not be taken too hot:
"There is no barakah in a hot meal, for Allah does not feed us fire. Eat your food after allowing it to cool down." (al-Bayhaqi)
7) Some points need to be considered when drinking:
Holding the glass in the right hand, one should breathe three times in the course of a drink without breathing into the glass. As Prophet Muhammad (saas) said: "The best drink in this world and the Hereafter is water. When you are thirsty, drink it by sips and not gulps, for gulping produces a sickness of the liver." (al-Daylami)
Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) related that the Messenger of Allah (saas) forbade breathing or blowing air from the mouth into the drinking vessel (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).
The Messenger of Allah (saas) breathed three times (outside the vessel) in the course of a drink and said: "It is more thirst-quenching, healthier, and more wholesome" (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Number 5030).
When distributing something to drink in a crowd, it should be moved to the right and held with the right hand. The Prophet (saas) would always share his drink with those nearby, whenever he was drinking milk or sweet juice. The glass would always be moved to the right.
Anas ibn Malik (ra) reported that to the Messenger of Allah (saas) was given a cup of milk mixed with water. On his right was a desert Arab, and on his left was Abu Bakr (ra). He (the Prophet) drank, then gave it to the desert Arab and said: "(Give it to the one) who is on the right, then again (to one) who is on the right." (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Number 5032)
The Prophet (saas) loved to eat in the company of many people. As the food was served, he would say: "O Allah, make this food among the provisions, thanks for which is already paid and has become a means to attain the blessings of Paradise." He did not like food that was too hot; he would wait for it to cool down of its own accord and then eat it.
The Prophet (saas) recommended that believers should invite each other to eat together. Islamic scholars have decreed that Muslims, unless they have a valid reason or excuse, must accept an invitation from a fellow believer:
"When any one of you is invited to a feast, he should accept." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and al-Tirmidhi)
Abu Hurayrah (ra) used to say: "One who does not come to the feast disobeys Allah and His Messenger (saas)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
"When two people come together to issue an invitation, accept the one belonging to the door that is nearer. But if one of them comes before the other, accept the invitation of the one who comes first." (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 27, Number 3747)
"He who presents himself for a meal without being invited is a fasiq, and it is unlawful for him to partake of the food." (al-Bayhaqi)
"Verily, there are lofty rooms in Paradise in which their outside can be seen from inside and their inside from the outside. They are for those who use soft speech, feed food [to others], and spend the night in voluntary prayer while people are asleep." (al-Tirmidhi)
"Whoever feeds his brother in Islam the food he desires, his sins will be forgiven. Whoever pleases his brother in Islam pleases Allah." (at-Tabarani)
It is an important aspect of a believer's good manners to treat the person who accepts an invitation with respect.
1) Washing one's hands is sunnah:
Washing hands before and after a meal is very important for our health. The Prophet (saas) encouraged all believers to acquire this habit:
"Washing hands before a meal will eradicate poverty; washing them after a meal will eradicate sins." (at-Tabarani)
"Whoever retires for the night with food on his hands and some harm comes to him because of it has only himself to blame." (Abu Dawud)
"To wash one's hands and mouth before and after a meal is a source of blessings." (Abu Dawud)
2) It is a sunnah to open a meal by saying Bismillah and to end it by saying Alhamdulillah.
"When anyone of you intends to eat, he should say, Bismillah. In case he forgets, he should say Bismillah Awwaluhu wa Akhirahu at the end." (Abu Dawud and al-Tirmidhi)
Aisha (ra) relates that while the Messenger of Allah (saas) and six of the Companions were eating, a bedouin entered and ate all of the food in two bites. The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "If he had said Bismillah, it should have been sufficient for all." (al-Tirmidhi)
3) The Prophet (saas) advised people to begin a meal with dates, salt, or water.
The Messenger of Allah (saas) never found fault with a meal brought to the table. If food he did not like was served, he would remain silent and simply not eat it.
4) It is a sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saas) to eat with right hand and to eat from the sides of the dish.
Umar ibn Salmah narrated that "during my childhood, the Prophet (saas) advised me to say Bismillah, eat with the right hand, and from (the part of the dish that was) in front of me." (Sahih Muslim)
"Eat from the sides of it and do not put your hand in the middle, for barakah descends on the middle." (al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)
5) Muslims should sit together during the meal, for eating together is more blissful:
"Sit down to eat together and recite the name of Allah. There will, then, be greater barakah for you in the meal." (Abu Dawud)
6) Food should not be taken too hot:
"There is no barakah in a hot meal, for Allah does not feed us fire. Eat your food after allowing it to cool down." (al-Bayhaqi)
7) Some points need to be considered when drinking:
Holding the glass in the right hand, one should breathe three times in the course of a drink without breathing into the glass. As Prophet Muhammad (saas) said: "The best drink in this world and the Hereafter is water. When you are thirsty, drink it by sips and not gulps, for gulping produces a sickness of the liver." (al-Daylami)
Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) related that the Messenger of Allah (saas) forbade breathing or blowing air from the mouth into the drinking vessel (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).
The Messenger of Allah (saas) breathed three times (outside the vessel) in the course of a drink and said: "It is more thirst-quenching, healthier, and more wholesome" (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Number 5030).
When distributing something to drink in a crowd, it should be moved to the right and held with the right hand. The Prophet (saas) would always share his drink with those nearby, whenever he was drinking milk or sweet juice. The glass would always be moved to the right.
Anas ibn Malik (ra) reported that to the Messenger of Allah (saas) was given a cup of milk mixed with water. On his right was a desert Arab, and on his left was Abu Bakr (ra). He (the Prophet) drank, then gave it to the desert Arab and said: "(Give it to the one) who is on the right, then again (to one) who is on the right." (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Number 5032)
The Prophet (saas) loved to eat in the company of many people. As the food was served, he would say: "O Allah, make this food among the provisions, thanks for which is already paid and has become a means to attain the blessings of Paradise." He did not like food that was too hot; he would wait for it to cool down of its own accord and then eat it.
The Prophet (saas) recommended that believers should invite each other to eat together. Islamic scholars have decreed that Muslims, unless they have a valid reason or excuse, must accept an invitation from a fellow believer:
"When any one of you is invited to a feast, he should accept." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and al-Tirmidhi)
Abu Hurayrah (ra) used to say: "One who does not come to the feast disobeys Allah and His Messenger (saas)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
"When two people come together to issue an invitation, accept the one belonging to the door that is nearer. But if one of them comes before the other, accept the invitation of the one who comes first." (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 27, Number 3747)
"He who presents himself for a meal without being invited is a fasiq, and it is unlawful for him to partake of the food." (al-Bayhaqi)
"Verily, there are lofty rooms in Paradise in which their outside can be seen from inside and their inside from the outside. They are for those who use soft speech, feed food [to others], and spend the night in voluntary prayer while people are asleep." (al-Tirmidhi)
"Whoever feeds his brother in Islam the food he desires, his sins will be forgiven. Whoever pleases his brother in Islam pleases Allah." (at-Tabarani)
It is an important aspect of a believer's good manners to treat the person who accepts an invitation with respect.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
It has been narrated in Hadhrat Samurah Ibn Jundub's (R. A.) hadeeth that a child is an endowment in return for an aqeeqah. The Muhadditheen have approached this with numerous explanations.
1. The hadeeth implies that a child will intercede on behalf of his parents. However, if someone, despite being capable, neglects aqeeqah and the child coincidentally dies as a youngster he will not intercede for his parents. The child will be of no advantage just like an object that has been kept safe as a pledge is of no advantage. This statement was made by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (RA.)
2. Until the aqeeqah isn't offered the child remains an open target to calamities and misfortune and is also deprived from virtue and blessings. After the aqeeqah the child is safeguarded from anything detrimental and anything provoking pain.
3. A child is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Aqeeqah is performed as a thanksgiving for this blessing. (Zaadul Ma-aad Li-ibnil Qayyim)
4. Until the aqeeqah is not performed the child shall not be safeguarded against calamities but instead will grow up to be disobedient to his parents.
5. When the hair is shaven on the 7th day and aqeeqah is completed, the child is cleansed from all impurities, (Allah knows best).
6. Mulla Ali Qari (R. A.) states, "Whosoever wills his child to be obedient, should perform his child's aqeeqah."
1. The hadeeth implies that a child will intercede on behalf of his parents. However, if someone, despite being capable, neglects aqeeqah and the child coincidentally dies as a youngster he will not intercede for his parents. The child will be of no advantage just like an object that has been kept safe as a pledge is of no advantage. This statement was made by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (RA.)
2. Until the aqeeqah isn't offered the child remains an open target to calamities and misfortune and is also deprived from virtue and blessings. After the aqeeqah the child is safeguarded from anything detrimental and anything provoking pain.
3. A child is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Aqeeqah is performed as a thanksgiving for this blessing. (Zaadul Ma-aad Li-ibnil Qayyim)
4. Until the aqeeqah is not performed the child shall not be safeguarded against calamities but instead will grow up to be disobedient to his parents.
5. When the hair is shaven on the 7th day and aqeeqah is completed, the child is cleansed from all impurities, (Allah knows best).
6. Mulla Ali Qari (R. A.) states, "Whosoever wills his child to be obedient, should perform his child's aqeeqah."
SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN ASHURA (10TH day of Muharram in Lunar Calendar):
1. It was the day when Prophet Adam, peace be upon him (pbuh) was forgiven by Allah, the Most High;
2. It was the day when the Ark of Propeht Nuh (Noah) (pbuh) landed at Mount Judi;
3. It was the day when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (pbuh) was thrown into the fire by his people;
4. It was the day when Prophet Musa (Moses) (pbuh) cross the red sea with Bani (children of) Israel:
5. It was the day when Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) (pbuh) met his son Yusoph (Joseph) after he was betrayed by his brothers;
6. It was the day when the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Amer Husien and his family, may Allah be pleased with them, were martyred at Karbala, Iraq on thier way to Kufa.
2. It was the day when the Ark of Propeht Nuh (Noah) (pbuh) landed at Mount Judi;
3. It was the day when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (pbuh) was thrown into the fire by his people;
4. It was the day when Prophet Musa (Moses) (pbuh) cross the red sea with Bani (children of) Israel:
5. It was the day when Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) (pbuh) met his son Yusoph (Joseph) after he was betrayed by his brothers;
6. It was the day when the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Amer Husien and his family, may Allah be pleased with them, were martyred at Karbala, Iraq on thier way to Kufa.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
limang uri ang nakakasunog ng IMAN ng tao:
1. Minahal ang HANAPBUHAY at nakalimutan ang SAMBAYANG.
2. Nagmahal ng KAYAMANAN at nakalimot sa KADSAKAT
3. Minahal ang MANSION at nakalimot sa KUBOR
4. Minahal ang PAGBISYO at nakalimot sa KAMATAYAN.
5. Minahal ang DUNYA at nakalimot sa AKHIRAT.
2. Nagmahal ng KAYAMANAN at nakalimot sa KADSAKAT
3. Minahal ang MANSION at nakalimot sa KUBOR
4. Minahal ang PAGBISYO at nakalimot sa KAMATAYAN.
5. Minahal ang DUNYA at nakalimot sa AKHIRAT.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
List of holidays for 2012, based on Malacañang's Proclamation No. 295:
A. Regular Holidays
New Year’s Day - January 1 (Sunday)
Maundy Thursday - April 5
Good Friday - April 6
Araw ng Kagitingan - April 9 (Monday)
Labor Day - May 1 (Tuesday)
Independence Day - June 12 (Tuesday)
National Heroes Day - August 27 (Last Monday of August)
Bonifacio Day - November 30 (Friday)
Christmas Day - December 25 (Tuesday)
Rizal Day - December 30 (Sunday)
B. Special (Non-Working) Days
Chinese New Year - January 23 (Monday)
Ninoy Aquino Day - August 21 (Tuesday)
All Saints Day - November 1 (Thursday)
Additional special (non-working) day - November 2 (Friday)
Last Day of the Year - December 31 (Monday)
C. Special Holiday (for all schools)
EDSA Revolution Anniversary - February 25 (Saturday)
SECTION 2. The proclamations declaring national holidays for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha shall hereafter be issued after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar (Hijra) or the lunar calendar, or upon Islamic astronomical calculations, whichever is possible or convenient. To this end, the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) shall inform the Office of the President on which day the holiday shall fall.
A. Regular Holidays
New Year’s Day - January 1 (Sunday)
Maundy Thursday - April 5
Good Friday - April 6
Araw ng Kagitingan - April 9 (Monday)
Labor Day - May 1 (Tuesday)
Independence Day - June 12 (Tuesday)
National Heroes Day - August 27 (Last Monday of August)
Bonifacio Day - November 30 (Friday)
Christmas Day - December 25 (Tuesday)
Rizal Day - December 30 (Sunday)
B. Special (Non-Working) Days
Chinese New Year - January 23 (Monday)
Ninoy Aquino Day - August 21 (Tuesday)
All Saints Day - November 1 (Thursday)
Additional special (non-working) day - November 2 (Friday)
Last Day of the Year - December 31 (Monday)
C. Special Holiday (for all schools)
EDSA Revolution Anniversary - February 25 (Saturday)
SECTION 2. The proclamations declaring national holidays for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha shall hereafter be issued after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar (Hijra) or the lunar calendar, or upon Islamic astronomical calculations, whichever is possible or convenient. To this end, the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) shall inform the Office of the President on which day the holiday shall fall.
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