Here is a list of most beautiful names of Allah (SWT) or 99 names of Allah (SWT) used in Islam with their meanings in English. "The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them." (Glorious Qur'an 7:180)
He is Allah the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner; His are the most excellent names; whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Glorious Qur'an 59:24)
Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (Glorious Qur'an 13:28)
Al-Quddus Al-Malik Ar-Raheem/Ar-Rahim Ar-Rahman
Al-Aziz Al-Muhaymin Al-Mu'min As-Salam
Al-Bari Al-Khaliq Al-Mutakabbir Al-Jabbar
Al-Wahhab Al-Qahhar Al-Ghaffar Al-Musawwir
Al-Qabiz Al-Aleem/Al-Alim Al-Fattah Ar-Razzaq
Al-Muizz Ar-Rafi Al-Khafiz Al-Basit
Al-Hakam Al-Basir As-Sami Al-Muzill
Al-Haleem/Al-Halim Al-Khabeer/Al-Khabir Al-Lateef/Al-Latif Al-Adl
Al-Ali As-Shakur Al-Ghafoor/Al-Ghafur Al-Adheem/Al-Azim
Al-Haseeb Al-Muqeet/Al-Muqit Al-Hafeedh/Al-Hafiz Al-Kabeer/Al-Kabir
Al-Mujeeb/Al-Mujib Ar-Raqeeb/Ar-Raqib Al-Kareem/Al-Karim Al-Jaleel/Al-Jalil
Al-Majeed Al-Wadud Al-Hakeem Al-Wasi
Al-Wakeel/Al-Wakil Al-Haqq Ash-Shaheed Al-Baaith/Al-Ba'ith
Al-Hameed Al-Wali Al-Mateen Al-Qawi
Al-Muhyi Al-Mueed/Al-Mu'id Al-Mubdi Al-Muhsi
Al-Wajid Al-Qayyum Al-Hai/Al-Hayee Al-Mumeet/Al-Mumit
As-Samad Al-Ahad Al-Wahid Al-Majid
Al-Muakhkhir Al-Muqaddim Al-Muqtadir Al-Qadir
Al-Batin Adh-Dhaahir/Az-Zahir Al-Aakhir Al-Awwal
At-Tawwab Al-Barr Al-Muta'ali Al-Wali
Malik-ul-Mulk Ar-Rauf/Ar-Raoof Al-Afuw Al-Muntaqim
Al-Ghani Al-Jaamay Al-Muqsit Dhul-Jalali wal Ikram
An-Naafay Adh-Dhaar/Ad-Dhaarr Al-Maanay Al-Mughni
Al-Baqi Al-Badei Al-Haadi An-Nur/An-Noor
Allah (SWT) As-Sabur/As-Saboor Ar-Rasheed Al-Waarith/Al-Waris
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